- State Sen. Tony Avella (D) calls for Silver’s Resignation [not that Avella’s opinion matters much, since Silver is the Speaker of NY’s Assembly];
- New York’s State GOP has started an online petition (at FireShelly.com) for Silver to resign [good luck with that];
- Politico reports on a Newsday story that Gov. Cuomo approved at least one similar confidential settlement when he was Attorney General;
- Capital Confidential, on the other hand, reports that Cuomo is pushing back on whether the settlement was, indeed, secret [includes .pdf of the settlement in question]
- The New York Daily News slams Comptroller DiNapoli for his claimed ignorance of the Lopez Settlement and follows up with the age-old question: Who watches the watchers?
- And the New York Post piles on DiNapoli as well;
- Carl Kruger bud and Vito Lopez protege Frank “The Judge” Seddio has replaced Lopez as Kings County Democratic Leader;
- Shelly Silver is “losing clout” with Gov. Cuomo because of his involvement in L’Affair Gropez.